Clayton will be offering family passes to the Clayton pool. One pass admits up to four persons for the 2019 swimming season (Memorial Day to Labor Day).
Passes are $50 with a $25 card charge. Purchasers who retain their cards may renew for the 2020 season at the discounted rate of $50.
Pool hours and rules as well as info on renting the clubhouse may be found at or by contacting Property Masters at 281-556-5192 or by sending an email to
- 1. Pool, park & surrounding area are under 24 hour video surveillance
- 2. There will be NO LIFEGUARDS on duty; Swim at Your Own Risk
- 3. Only ONE access card will be issued per address.
- 4. Owner is responsible for all damages cause by anyone using his/her access card.
- 5. The access system records every time a card is used.
- 6. Do NOT open the gate for someone you don’t know.
- 7. Guests must arrive & depart with the person who brought them.
****Pool Rules****