Non-Resident Pool Pass

Clayton will be offering family passes to the Clayton pool. One pass admits up to four persons for the 2019 swimming season (Memorial Day to Labor Day).

Passes are $50 with a $25 card charge. Purchasers who retain their cards may renew for the 2020 season at the discounted rate of $50.

Pool hours and rules as well as info on renting the clubhouse may be found at or by contacting Property Masters at 281-556-5192 or by sending an email to

  • 1.  Pool, park & surrounding area are under 24 hour video surveillance
  • 2. There will be NO LIFEGUARDS on duty; Swim at Your Own Risk
  • 3. Only ONE access card will be issued per address.
  • 4. Owner is responsible for all damages cause by anyone using his/her access card.
  • 5. The access system records every time a card is used.
  • 6. Do NOT open the gate for someone you don’t know.
  • 7. Guests must arrive & depart with the person who brought them.

****Pool Rules****

Clayton Pool