Clayton Adolescent Community Service Projects – Ages 12-17

Community service plays an important role of enriching the lives of those performing the activity and those receiving the activity.  The goal of Clayton’s Community Service Projects is to create a win-win situation for the volunteers and our community. 

We are developing a list of adolescent volunteers (ages 12-17) to serve within our community. 

There are 7 Benefits of Volunteering

*Earn volunteer hours for college applications

*Gain experience that can be used on employment application

*Learn or develop skills

*Make a difference in our community

*Build self-esteem and confidence

*Opportunity to share your skills and talents

*Meet new people in our community

Thank you to the parents who added their child’s name to the list.  Parents and children (ages 12-17) who would like to add their names to the list, please email your contact information to:

Community Service Logo


Please see the video below of pictures taken during the Clayton “Free Tree Event”.

video - Orchid Tree Event

Click below to view video,  turn up the sound!

→  Clayton Free Tree Event  ←